
10:18 PM Nameless b. 0 Comments

You come first.
Your body is a temple, Your heart is a vessel
take care of it.
Make it full and any exceeding feeling or utterance
Will spill and flow onto the laps of the people you hold dearly
But you, always come first.
I was inspired to write a poem about putting yourself first and self love mainly for myself. 
Lately, I’ve been on a rollercoaster of being comfortable in my own skin and loving what I see in the mirror everyday.  It’s no shocker that self love is definitely a rollercoaster that has its ups and downs which I am still struggling with on the daily. But I’ve learned to take the days as they go by and grounding myself by constant reminders of blessings I have rather than focusing on what I lack in this life. 

Writing this post and poem has helped ease this funk of a wave I'm on and I was really nervous to share my poems on here. I'm hoping to post more of my poems in the near future.
Hope you enjoyed this post.

Til next time,

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