A Convocation With Old Friends || First Collaboration

1:25 AM Nameless b. 2 Comments

Uhhhh... Hi! I know I said in my last post that I'll blog more during summer but I haven't been posting.

I can honestly tell you that the past few weeks I've been busy & when I get the time to just stay at home I lounge around and sleep til noon.

I'm sooooooo sorry! 
But hey! At least I've posted right? 
Better late than never. (?)

On to the point of this post...

So last week I met up with a few friends of mine that I haven't been able to talk to and hang out with as much. 

So I thought about it & asked one of my friends, Samantha,who's 'stuckbeingsam' on tumblr,  when she's free to hang out. 
We both decided to do a collab while we have the time together & Earla, on tumblr she's known as 'viewoftherealist', she asked if she could join since people have been asking for both of us to do a fashion collab.

So that's how all of "this" started!